Workshop on
local-scale investigations of the spatial modulations of the properties of 2D materials

February 6-7, 2024 — Université Paris Cité

Scope. The two groupements de recherche (GDRs), NS-CPU (Nanosciences with scanning probe microscopies under ultra high vacuum) and HOWDI (Heterostructures of van der Waals materials with low dimensionality) jointly organise a two-half-days workshop. This workshop will focus on the spatial modulation of the physical properties of 2D materials, in relation with moiré patterns, lateral junctions, defects and related kinds of charge, spin, and photonic excitations. Scanning probe microscopies and spectroscopy related techniques can provide complementary information from the atomic level to the mesoscopic scale. The objective is to foster brainstorming and future collaborations at the interface between the two communities.


Themes covered by the workshop :

  • Structure and electronic properties of single defects in 2D materials
  • Electronic correlations, including spin impurities in 2D semiconductors, superconductivity, charge density waves
  • Photonics, including single-photon sources, exciton localisation, role of electrostatic disorder
  • Magnetism, including isolated or in-interaction spins, magnons and moiré effects

Amphithéâtre Buffon
Université Paris Cité
15 rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris
February 6-7, 2024

premium bootstrap themes

Registration and abstract submission. There are no registration fees. Lunches and cocktail/buffet are free of charge. Please contact us by email.

The meeting program has been set up to promote informal discussions between experts and newcomers to the fields.
Two sessions (afternoon, 7th; morning, 8th) are planned for contributed talks with ample time for question sessions. A round table is planned in the evening to prolonge the discussions. A poster session, continuing during the cocktail/buffet, both held in the vicinity of Amphithéâtre Buffon will close the first half-day.

February 6 February 7
9am 2D heterostructures
10:30am Electrons, excitons
12am Registration Lunch/Departure
2pm Properties engineering
4pm Spin physics and correlations
6:30pm Round table
7:00pm Poster session